September 18, 2018

Traveling to Barcelona to study abroad makes this my second time leaving the US in only a matter a weeks and it is absolutely surreal. No matter where you travel to you will experience some form of culture shock and while I'm enjoying my time here thus far, I am already noticing many differences between the US, Hong Kong, and Barcelona. It was also great to kick off the new semester with some fireworks commemorating the La Merce Festival! Overall, I am excited to begin my semester abroad and to increase my Spanish-speaking skills with my host mother Conchita
October 29, 2018

There is always something about being in a new environment that makes you more appreciative. As I am now just approaching the mid-point of my semester abroad, I notice that I am developing a greater appreciation for culture and society. It is important that wherever you go that you bring your own culture and traditions as well. Being vulnerable and allowing yourself to learn about a new place will provide you with the best and most well-rounded experience. So far I have been enjoying my time in Barcelona, making friends, and trying to take advantage of as many cultural experiences as possible whether it's meeting a new local or trying a new food!
November 14, 2018

Some of my early impressions about studying abroad for a semester were quickly put to rest after my first several weeks here in Barcelona. Here are some tips to help you out:
- Take classes seriously; it is possible to fail
- If you're in an apartment: There are plenty are grocery stores nearby and the prices are very similar to US stores, but don't be afraid to eat out
- Remember the exchange rate! The Euro is worth more than the USD ( 1 Euro = .75 USD)
- Invest in a fanny pack or bag because Barcelona has a very high pick-pocketing rate!
- Pay attention to your surroundings!
- Take advantage of the architecture. There are many beautiful buildings in Barcelona
- Make local friends as well as friends from your program
- Find your niche; try new things but also establish what you are used to
November 30, 2018

Barcelona really is a beautiful city with many amazing things to spend your time doing. The great thing about going in the fall is that the weather will be at a great temperature for most of the semester. While many of my friends and family are suffering the unbearable cold, I am still wearing t-shirts to class! As a student coming to Barcelona, my recommendation is to see as much of the city as possible. From the beautiful beaches to the fascinating buildings, there is so much to take in so while you may be tempted to travel around Europe (which is also fun), you will never be bored in Barcelona.
December 11, 2018

Whenever your away from home for an extended period of time it always seems like forever. In the beginning, all you think about is how long you'll be away and the days seem to last longer than they normally do, but in the end, you look back and think about how fast your time went. As I am spending my last few days in Spain, I'm reflecting on how fast the opportunity went and when the next one will be. Being abroad, I have met so many wonderful people and been able to travel around Spain and Europe making so many memories. My recommendation for anyone studying abroad is to really take advantage of every moment so that when you head back home, you'll leave feeling like you've done everything you've wanted to do.